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Your child will get
ahead in life with the help of their Village

afocusedpath allows the child to benefit from a virtual village of extended family and friends.


For Families


Families and well-wishers can play a significant role in shaping a child's future. With the afocusedpath app, parents can tap  the collective wisdom of the extended family to keep the child motivated through early life.

Maintain a personal digital repository of the child's academic records, goals, and achievements.

Incorporates all the key features that parents and families need to track and shape the child's progress.

Simple, friendly interface, optimized to delight even first-time computer users.

Meets the required industry-standard security requirements. Be assured that your child's data is safe with us.


afocusedpath keeps pace with your child's progress through school

An easy way to store all educational records

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Enter the child's details using a wizard-like interface that guides you at every step. Add academic records and report cards.


Create a Village of warmth,
affection, and hope

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Set up the village and add members along with the relationship models. Define what villagers can view and how they interact with the child or with you.

Get fresh perspectives to review the child's performance

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Establish realistic goals for the next reporting period. Track the actual performance against the expectation

and plan corrective actions, if needed.


Time-stamp every little step of the child in a digital dossier

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View the entire timeline of the child's academic life. Zoom in to look at specific milestones, relive past achievements, and share interesting milestones with other villagers. Keep the timeline active with regular updates.

Easy steps to get started

The solution that lets you accompany the child through the academic journey. Start benefiting from afocusedpath today.


Gather the child's academic records

Set up subjects and courses on afocusedpath. Upload digital documents or enter marks and grades.


Add Villagers

Draw up a list of villagers who are willing to contribute - relatives, friends, neighbors, or ex-teachers. Configure the role they'll play.



Get ready to reap the benefits of camaraderie, enabled by afocusedpath.


For Families

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Educating your child is best achieved through teamwork - form a village of family and well-wishers

Sign up for free trial

Credit Card not required


afocusedpath is passionately building tools that enable community-supported education of children for a better world.

Copyright 2021, afocusedpath

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